User Account

Login Information

To personalise your experience with HumbleBear CRM, you can update your account information, including your name and email. Please navigate to the Login Information section to make these changes.

Change Password

Please follow these steps to update your password:

  1. Enter your current password.

  2. Enter your new password and confirm it.

  3. Click on the 'Save' button.


To view your subscription status and history as well as to make changes or renewals, please follow these steps:

  1. Locate and click on the Change Plan button.

  2. Select your preferred plan. You can either renew your existing subscription or upgrade to a different plan.

  3. Proceed to payment by clicking on the Subscribe or Renew button. Payment can be made using a credit card.

  4. Enter your card details and click on the Pay button.

  5. Upon successful payment, you will receive a receipt in the payment history, and the new subscription validity period will be displayed. You can download the receipt for record.

Last updated